Every year CUPE Ontario members convene to set policy and develop a comprehensive action plan. This year, over 1000 delegates from across the province gathered in Toronto May 27th to the 30th for the annual CUPE Ontario Convention.
Our Local was represented by Janice Folk-Dawson; President, Nanci Morley; 1st VP, Darrin Chasty; 2nd VP and Juanita Burnett; Unit 1 Chair.
On May 26th, the night before convention began 60 university workers held a sector caucus to hear updates from each campus and to plan floor strategy to get our resolutions passed.
We were successful in passing our 4 priority resolutions:
- Submit resolutions and constitution amendments necessary to the 2015 National Convention to eliminate the 10 day waiting period for strike pay. Strike pay paid from the first day of a strike.
- Together with the OUWCC, advocate to CUPE National that the CUPE National Strike fund include accommodating picketer’s by assigning strike duties that could be performed at home
- Advocate that National recognize that some workers’ require double picket shifts (no more than 20 hours per week).
- CUPE Ontario will mount a comprehensive campaign to vigorously fight back against the recent sweep of layoffs and the threat of contracting out custodial work in the university sector. Extend the campaign to all sectors experiencing custodial layoffs and contracting out.
Along with debating resolutions the delegates developed an Action Plan that includes a section on Universities. The Action Plan was adopted unanimously by the convention floor. The Action Plan is available on the CUPE Ontario web page.